The Value of Having CRM Embedded in Your ERP

As the business world continues to rebound from the global health crisis many companies are searching for new and improved ways to operate, choosing to engage with a modern ERP solution to upgrade their business. While ERP solutions come in all shapes and sizes, many companies are failing to see the value of selecting an ERP solution with built-in CRM tools.

More Tools, More Control

CRM tools allow businesses to have a greater visibility into the customer-focused aspects of their businesses, allowing for better service, and therefore more control over their client happiness. These tools allow users to manage everything from leads to actual customer accounts, all from within the system of record. These customer management tools usually include quality of life improvements that facilitate easy record keeping, updating, and editing of customer accounts, addresses, and other vital information. These tools also allow for easy “hand offs” of clients from the lead generators to actual salespeople, ensuring no prospective clients fall through the cracks.

Knowledge is Power – See all Your Data in One Place

By choosing a CRM-enabled ERP platform businesses will give themselves another distinct advantage- visibility of data. These modern, agile systems provide company-wide access to real-time data, meaning there is never a lag between departments or even breaks in the data flow. Companies no longer have to spend excess man-hours transferring data from one system to another, freeing employees up for more important work. This one-system nature also drastically improves support functionality, as support staff are able to see the full data set, not simply notes left by other departments.

Advanced features such as real-time dashboards and other customizable reporting ensures that users are not overwhelmed with data, even though they have access to all of it. These tools ensure that each user has direct access to the data they need at any time.

Tools for Tomorrow

By combining the customer facing aspects of CRM into a complete ERP solution businesses can harness the power of emerging technologies like AI, machine learning, and other forms of automation to enhance day-to-day operations when it comes to customer facing tasks. These tools make organizing and reporting customer information, sales, inventory, and other data sets a quicker, more efficient process.

One System, One Company

By harnessing the power of a CRM-enabled ERP solution businesses give themselves a leg up on their competitors. By housing all customer data and tools within their primary operating system they eliminate the need costly backtracking, and vastly lower the odds of customer data being lost through the cracks. With all of their data across all spheres of a company in one place, businesses can be confident all their users are operating with the same, correct data, ensuring continuity across the board.

See where Acumatica sits in the Nucleus Research CRM Technology Value Matrix

Why Nexvue?

Your ability to Achieve More with ERP is based the vision your ERP Partner can provide to YOU.

Our 360⁰ understanding of the Acumatica platform and framework, our decades of industry experience, and our ability to understand and adapt to our clients’ business environments combine to give NexVue (now Net at Work) a unique ability to craft solutions built on a vision for YOUR success.

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